Training Workshops


Leadership for Diversity

In today's workplaces, we are likely to be interacting with colleagues, employers and clients from a variety of cultural, linguistic, religious and gender backgrounds. Employees need to feel respected, understood and valued at all times. Adjusting to remote work environments has made this even more critical, when there are less opportunities for connecting with one another in a physical space.

This workshop will provide leaders with the:

Tools to be able to navigate often complex conversations with their team, effectively communicate with their team so that they can perform well regardless of their cultural or linguistic background and build an overall inclusive workplace.

Participants will be asked to apply intercultural competencies principles to their practices.

This workshop will be interactive and involve whole group and small group discussions.


An Intercultural Praxis Approach: Power and Privilege

This workshop will increase participants' awareness of their positionality and how this can impact their intercultural communication with others. An intercultural model will be introduced that encourages participants to consider their positionality, power imbalances and cultural identity.

Participants will be asked to look at the tenants of the model and apply it to their personal and professional lives.

This workshop will involve discussions and interactive activities.


Unconscious Bias

This workshop was developed to provide participants with the theoretical and practical knowledge of unconscious biases in the workplace. 

This workshop will provide leaders and employees with the tools to recognize their unconscious bias, mitigate these biases in their hiring practices, recruitment, onboarding, strategies for recognizing and mitigating biases when communicating with overseas clients and negotiating.

This workshop is interactive with small/whole group discussions and interactive activities.

An Introduction to Intercultural Communication

In the classroom, at work and in social situations, you are likely to be in contact with people from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds which can lead to miscommunications.   Being able to communicate effectively with people from different cultures and linguistic backgrounds is an important skill.

This workshop aims to provide participants with an overview of intercultural communication.  Participants will learn principles of intercultural communication, cultural differences in verbal and non- verbal communication and help participants become a better communicator in a variety of intercultural situations. 

Spots are limited: reserve now!

Individuals: Please call or email to discuss the workshops and costs

Groups: Please call for a group quote

The Role of Intercultural Competence in Post-Graduate Supervision

Intercultural competence has become increasingly important in higher education institutions that place greater emphasis on internationalization. Promoting intercultural competence can lead to improved graduate supervisors’ and supervisees’ working relationships, which in turn can contribute to their well-being.

The purpose of this workshop is to provide graduate students and supervisors with tools to effectively communicate and deal with conflicts in the supervisor/supervisee relationship. 

Spots are limited: reserve now!

Individuals: Please call or email to discuss the workshops and costs

Groups: Please call for a group quote

The Role of Intercultural Competencies in the Workplace

As our world becomes more global, the chances that we are going to have a client, a colleague or a supervisor from a different cultural and linguistic background is high. Developing an awareness of how to improve our intercultural competencies can lead to increased productivity, well-being and great working relationships.

The purpose of this workshop is to provide employers and employees with tools to effectively communicate with one another and manage conflicts that may occur.

Spots are limited: reserve now!

Individuals: Please call or email to discuss the workshops and costs

Groups: Please call for a group quote

Allyship-Empowering Allies for Social Justice

Join our Allyship Workshop to learn how to effectively support and advocate for marginalized communities. This interactive session will provide you with the knowledge, tools, and strategies to become a proactive ally.

This workshop will Join our dynamic Allyship Workshop to gain the knowledge and tools needed to support marginalized communities effectively. Learn the principles of allyship, to recognize and leverage your privilege, amplify marginalized voices, develop skills to amplify marginalized voices and take meaningful action for social justice.

Spots are limited: reserve now!

Individuals: Please call or email to discuss the workshops and costs

Groups: Please call for a group quote